News and Events

Construction of A perimeter Wall To Keep Our Students and Staff Safe and Secure Construction of A perimeter Wall To Keep Our Students and Staff Safe and Secure Thursday, 25 May 2017 Construction of A perimeter Wall To Keep Our Students and Staff Safe and Secur...
Garissa University College sensitizes staff on work ethics and professionalism. Garissa University College sensitizes staff on work ethics and professionalism. Tuesday, 16 May 2017 Garissa University College sensitizes staff on work ethics and professionalism. ...
Garissa University Students governing council attended leadership induction meant to mentor them Garissa University Students governing council attended leadership induction meant to mentor them Sunday, 09 April 2017 The students were taken through various topics; financial management and accountability,...
Calls for Unity and Coexistence as the University Mark the Second Anniversary of the Attack Calls for Unity and Coexistence as the University Mark the Second Anniversary of the Attack Sunday, 02 April 2017 Calls for Unity and Coexistence as the University Mark the Second Anniversary of...
  1. Pick the hard copy staff ID application form from library (upon fulfilling 2,3 below)
  2. Present a copy of your appointment letter
  3. Present a copy of your national identity card
  4. Fill the form completely and accurately paying more attention to key identifiers (name and PF number). Please note that you will be disqualified and surcharged for costs incurred if you give a wrong PF Number
  5. Sign in front as well as on the reverse left hand side of the form
  6. Take the form to HR office for certification of your details especially your personnel status, name and PF Number
  7. The certification should be done using the respective rubberstamp and signature
  8. Using a digital camera of at least 5mp resolution and using the maroon background available at the library) take a clear passport photo of yourself (please note that most modern mobile phones, ipads and smart-phones can equally give you good photos)
  9. Take a clear close-up photo of the front side of the application form
  10. Take a clear close-up photo of the back side of the application form
  11. Confirm that all the three photos above are clear, legible and likeable. You may need to repeat the process to your satisfaction
  12. Download the Staff ID Application Template (in MS-Excel format) from the downloads link in the university website at: and fill it completely and accurately
  13. Rename the three photos in 8, 9 and 10 above together with the fully filled in template using your PF number respectively as per the following example: for the passport photo give it you PF e.g. 115, for the front photo of application form add your surname e.g. 115abdi, for the back side add (s) e.g. 115s and for the template add (temp) e.g. 115temp
  14. Email the renamed four items (three photos in 8, 9 and 10 and the fully filled in Excel application template in 12) to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
  15. Submit also the certified original hard copy of the ID application form to the library issue desk
  16. Wait for between 1 and 2 weeks for your ID

Opening Hours

During Semester

Week Days

9:00am-10:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


1:00 pm-5:00 pm

During Vacation)

Week Days

9:00am-5:00 pm






During Holidays


Note: Virtual library services such as access to electronic books and journals are available 24 hours through the GUC LAN and WLAN


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Acquisition Methods

The library acquires materials through the following methods:

  • Standing orders, and subscriptions
  • Local, National and International Book Fares
  • Orders for individual titles
  • Editorial support, printing and reprography
  • Transfers, Gifts and Donations
  • Legal Deposit

GUC Highlights

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Please contact us on the following means for any queries and inquiries

  • Land Line: +254234 5678

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