Journal Articles : [104] Collection home page

This collection includes journal papers published by Garissa University Community

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 104
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Application of Geographical Information systems in climate change for sustainable tourism development in Mount Kenya tourist circuitKarienye, D
2018Influence of climate variability on the banana value chain in the Mt Kenya regionKarienye, D; Nduru, G; Kamiri, H
2019Socioeconomics Determinants of Banana Farmers Perception to Climate Change in Nyeri County KenyaKarienye, D; Kamiri, H
2020Factors Influencing Banana Farmers Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability in Meru County KenyaKarienye, D; Nduru, G; Kamiri, H
2020Dynamics of Clan Based Conflicts in Wajir County, KenyaKarienye, D; Warfa, O
2020Adaptive Capacity to Mitigate Climate Variability and Food Insecurity of Rural Communities Along River Tana Basin, KenyaKarienye, D; Macharia, J
2020Trends of Banana Production Among Smallholders’ Farmers Due to Rainfall and Temperature variations in Mount Kenya Region, KenyaKarienye, D; Kamiri, H
2020Role of Al-Shabaab in Violent Extremisms and Perennial Clan Conflicts: A Case Study of Wajir County Kenya.Karienye, D; Warfa, O
2021Climate variability and adaptation among small holder banana farmers in mountain regions of KenyaKarienye, D.; Nduru, G.; Kamiri, H.
1-Oct-2022Assessment of Digital Literacy Skills for Supporting Off-Campus Teaching at Selected University Libraries in KenyaMasinza, Faith L; Gichohi, Paul M; Nzioka, Catherine M
2018Developing Information for Disaster and Risk Management in Public Universities of Kenya: An Emerging Role of Information ProfessionalsLusala, L
2016Utilization of ICT For the Deaf at the Garissa School for the DeafLusala, L
2013Teaching Information Science Education in Kenya: Opportunities and ChallengesLusala, L
2013Solutions of Second- Order Partial Differential Equations in Two Independent Variables using Method of Characteristicskwach, B.O; Manyonge, Alfred W.; Alambo, David O.; Aminer, Titus J.O
2013Derivation and Solution of the Heat Equation in 1-Dkwach, B.O; Ongati, O; Alambo, D.O; Okaka, C.A
13-Feb-2021Assessment of Human Wildlife Conflict on Livelihoods of Communities Boardering Bouralgy Giraffe Sanctuary in Garissa County, KenyaOsman, M; Mohamed, A; Sitati, I.N
Dec-2019Remarks and Specific Examples on Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Operators in Hilbert Spaces.Sitati, I.N
Nov-2019Correlation of Electromagnetic Wave Theory in the Derivation of the Schroedinger Equation in Hilbert SpacesMueni, E.M; Musundi, S.W; Kamweru, P; Sitati, I.N
Sep-2019Frame for finite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces and its Applications in Signal Processing,Research Report in MathematicsAtuya, L.B; Nzimbi, B.M; Matuya, J; Sitati, I.N
Jul-2019Results on A-Unitary, A-Normal and A-Hyponormal OperatorsSitati, I.N
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 104